Our Services
We provide legal, tax, and estate planning advice to individuals and small businesses. We represent entrepreneurs, start-ups, emerging companies, and established companies in a variety of industries. For some clients, we act as their full-service outside general counsel when they do not have either the need or the budget for an in-house general counsel.
We offer a variety of services, including:
For each client, we focus on providing personalized, comprehensive advice. We understand the importance of making sure our clients are involved in making their own legal, tax, and financial planning decisions. Accordingly, personalized, client-specific service is our main objective. We will communicate with you, educate you, and encourage you to ask questions.
Accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services are offered by our affiliate, The Carroll C.P.A. Firm, P.C. To request more information on those services, please send an email to info@thecarrollcpafirm.com.
2015 was a relatively busy year for Congress – they managed to pass some legislation that concerns us all. Below is a brief summary of issues to keep in mind as we approach the 2015 tax filing deadlines: The TRANSPORTATION ACT (Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015): To avoid raising […]
Some food for thought as we continue to learn about the Presidential candidates: Imagine paying U.S. taxes your entire life and then walking away from your right to collect Social Security benefits and Medicare, not to mention your rights to live and travel freely in your home country. Americans are doing that in record numbers. […]
August is national “Make A Will Month.” Yes, “Make A Will Month” actually exists! The end of the summer, when many families vacation together, is the perfect time to plan for your family’s future. Making a will can be easy with proper guidance. No one likes to think about the end of life, but without […]